NAPALM DEATH: Video Footage From Hometown Album-Launch Concert Posted Online

February 2, 2009

Fan-filmed video footage of NAPALM DEATH's special album-launch concert on January 31, 2009 at The Asylum in Birmingham, England can be viewed below (clips uploaded by Dave Ingham a.k.a. YouTube user "triptykon"). The gig saw NAPALM performing its new CD, "Time Waits For No Slave", in its entirety for the first and only time.

Danish rock/metal magazine conducted an interview with vocalist Mark "Barney" Greenway of NAPALM DEATH at the Royal Metal Fest 09, which was held January 9-10, 2009 at Voxhall in Århus, Denmark. The chat can now be downloaded as a WAV audio file at this location.

"Time Waits For No Slave" will be released in the U.S. on February 10 via Century Media Records. The CD was recorded with producer Russ Russell. Drums were tracked at Parlour Studios in Kettering and guitars, bass and vocals were done at Foel Studios in Wales. The band then returned to Parlour for the mixing sessions.

Mark "Barney" Greenway recently told Rock Sound magazine about "Time Waits For No Slave", "Each album appears to have got progressively better and better. There was no great master plan, really. We're just a very organic band, very spontaneous, and we just try to write the best songs possible. If there is anything in the back of our minds, then I think it's that we always try to make each album differ without losing the thread of what should be there and I think we've done that with this album."

"Mass Appeal Madness":

"De-Evolution Ad Nauseum":


"Procrastination On The Empty Vessel":

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